hahabogus wrote:
> "jmcquown" > wrote in news:-
> :
> > I just don't understand why anyone in product development would think
> > blueberry in coffee is a good thing.
> >
> > Jill
> >
> some folks like grits...some don't.
> some folks like blueberries...some don't
> some folks like lamb...some don't
> It is all relative.
> You can't offer a new product and make money, if you don't try or offer
> new things.
I have a great idea.... how about a powdered coffee creamer that tastes like
> I at least like some flavoured coffee, but having never tried blueberry
> coffee I have no idea if I would like it. I do like blueberry liquers
> though, so if the oppertunity arose I'd try blueberry coffee.
You're right about people having different tastes. I hate flavoured
coffees. I stopped using the coffee grinder at the grocery stores because it
invariably ended up contaminated with the wretched taste of those artificial
flavours. If I want an Irish coffee I will add a splash of Irish Whiskey to
my coffee.
> Some folks dislike the idea of eating raw fish...but sushi places abound.
> It is all in your point of view and willingness to try new things.
> Till I hit 45 I'd never tried many things that I routinely eat these
> days...such as spaghetti squash, diakon, cabbage and various bean
> products. Untill I got brave enough and laffed at my fears I was living
> without some very good tasting foods. Sure for everything I tried there
> were a few I didn't like. But that's life you pays your buck and takes
> your chance.
But those are all real foods. The Blueberry Coffee-Mate Jill told us about is
an artificial coffee cream enhanced with real artificial blueberry flavour.
Coffee Mate is bad enough on its own. I can't imagine adding another
artificial component to it is going to make a better cream substitute.