On Tue, 18 Mar 2008 17:43:33 -0400, Peter A >
>In article >,
>> An excellent video is available
>> http://users.ameritech.net/knives/martell.htm
>Two DVD's - that's at least 4 hours of video - for $45 to show how to
>sharpen knives!?!?
>Give me a break.
I've been using a couple of single bevel Japanese knives for almost
forty years. I use a ceramic stick sharpener. It's the kind that has
two sticks mounted in a wood block and for conventional knives you
hold the knife edge plumb and alternate between the two sticks. For
the single bevel I just use one stick and move the knife over it at an
angle that matches the blade. If you don't let the knife get real dull
in the first place this works fine. The knives are in good shape and
razor sharp.