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James Silverton[_2_] James Silverton[_2_] is offline
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Default Colcannon

sf wrote on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 19:12:17 -0700:

??>> wrote:
??>>> Our little Dinner Club chose Scotland as one of its
??>>> countries last year, and I must say that the colcannon
??>>> was an absolute hit. I don't even like cabbage and we
??>>> don't often have potatoes, but I agree. It was a really
??>>> good taste and I didn't expect it, and I am glad I
??>>> have had it.
??>> How does colcannon differ from bubble and squeak? I grew
??>> up eating that with leftover cabbage and potatoes, so fail
??>> to understand the difference here?

s> I maybe be wrong, since I'm not British.... but I think the
s> main difference is a wee bit o' meat in the bubble & squeak.

I mentioned I had not previously wanted to try colcannon and
the same applied to "Bubble and Squeak". My impression is that
colcannon is not fried and B&S is. My one attempt to make
colcannon used sliced cabbage cooked for 5 minutes.

Tho' colcannon may add other vegetables, B&S is more likely to
use any left-overs and sometimes meat is added to it. Pictures I
have seen of B&S make me suspect that the cabbage may have
received the traditional British cooking (20 minutes or more)
and then cooked agan! Now, where the name bubble and squeak
comes from, I'm not inclined investigate :-)

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

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