In article >,
Sqwertz > wrote:
> willille <willille >> wrote:
> > I use to make large pots of soup and at times would have to brown 4 or 5
> > pounds of ground beef. I found that browning it in the oven to be the
> > best way for me. Also found it to be less mess to clean up than trying
> > to do it on the stove top.
> Ground beef soup?
> -sw
You've never heard of hamburger soup? It's pretty good and quicker than
a "real" beef vegetable soup. (Do a search.)
We received this from Niece Kathy a few years ago for Christmas; it was
layered in a one-quart wide-mouth Mason jar:
Love Soup Recipe
Bottom layer:
1/3 cup granulated beef bouillon
1 TBLSP Italian seasoning
1 tsp. Garlic powder
Mix these together and put on bottom for first layer
Then layer ingredients in order:
1/4 Cup onion flakes
1/4 Cup split peas
1/2 Cup ring or shell macaroni
1/4 Cup barley
1/2 Cup Lentils
1/3 Cup Rice (not instant)
Fill to top with spiral or egg noodles
How to make soup
Brown 1 LB ground beef in a large kettle.
Remove and reserve pasta from top of jar.
Add rest of jar to contents of kettle
Add 12 Cups water
Add one 28-oz. can diced tomatoes (undrained)
Let come to a boil, then add pasta and let simmer for 15 minutes longer.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
Pray for the abatement of her pain.