On Tue, 18 Mar 2008 14:03:20 -0700, Robert Klute >
>On Tue, 18 Mar 2008 16:51:41 GMT, blake murphy >
>>On Mon, 17 Mar 2008 10:06:49 -0700, Robert Klute >
>>>On Sat, 15 Mar 2008 17:07:03 GMT, blake murphy >
>>>>On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 10:24:03 -0700, Robert Klute >
>>>>>On Wed, 12 Mar 2008 16:25:43 -0700 (PDT), Ted >
>>>>>>Take a look on your shelves.
>>>>>Better than eating beef passed by the FDA (which you pay for also). At
>>>>>least with kosher food you know the inspector faces eternal damnation if
>>>>>you fails to do is job properly.
>>>>i thought jews didn't go in for this 'eternal damnation' jazz.
>>>While Judaism focuses on this life and that you will be rewarded or
>>>punished in this life, the religion does hold that death is not the end
>>>of it all. Jewish dogma is just fluid about what comes after, as there
>>>has never been any verification. Whether it is an immediate afterlife,
>>>being on ice until the Messiah comes, or reincarnation there is some
>>>concept of death as a transition. Similarly, for the wicked, it is
>>>eternal torment or non-existence - the denial of an afterlife.
>>my understanding is as you say, minus the 'eternal torment' option,
>>except to the extent which the separation from god implies.
>I will agree with you on this. My statement was more for effect than
>strict accuracy. The ol' Hebrew National and answering to a 'higher
>authority' paradym.
>>let's just say it is not the preoccupation that it seems to be for
>>most christian sects.
yeah, i knew it was a jape, but i just wanted to see if my impression
was correct, and make a small joke myself. thanks for your words on
the subject.
your pal,