Thread: My Easter Menu
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merryb merryb is offline
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Default My Easter Menu

My Mom usually hosts the holiday dinners in our family as she has more
room than my sister or I do. A few months ago, she slipped in her
backyard and broke her ankle. Understandably, she doesn't feel up to
hosting Easter, so I volunteered to do it. Thought I would share my
menu with you as some of you will be held responsible! LOL! Appetizers
will only be cheese, salami, and crackers as we always have a tendency
to fill up on apps! The rest as follows:

Pommes Americanes- recipe to follow
Steamed asparagus with s & p & butter
Best Baked Beans- Thanks to Terry "Squeaks"
Strawberry Spinach Salad- Thanks to Kili
Deviled eggs
Relish tray
Carrot Cake- Thanks to Wayne
Lemon Bars- Thanks to "Bakesale Betty"

I think it's sounding pretty damn good! Now, for my contribution.
Pommes Americanes, or as they are known in my family as "White Trash
Potatoes", are the only reason I have ever bought Velveeta! This
recipe was given to me by my sister a few years ago, but no idea where
she got it, so I cannot credit the right person for this.

Pommes Americanes
2 24 oz pkgs frozen shredded hash browns
2 cups half & half
3/4 lb Velveeta
8 oz butter
1 tsp salt
1/4 lb or more shredded cheddar cheese
Thaw potatoes- crumble into a 9 x 12 baking dish. Put 1/2 & 1/2 ,
Velveeta, and butter into a medium sized saucepan over low heat,
stirring until melted. Pour sauce over potatoes, & mix with fork. Top
with cheddar. Bake at 350 for 75 minutes, watching carefully the last
15 minutes.