Sqwertz > writes:
>It was a bad example. There are plenty of manufacturers using the
>(K) and (U)'s onm their complete product line. That doesn't make
>them sell better, nor imply they're quality products.
Several people have provided references to third-party market studies
and quotes from manufacturers about the fact that products with kosher
certifications sell better. You have, in response, provided only your
opinion that they don't. Considering that you're an anti-semitic
twit, your opinion isn't really worth reliable on this subject.
>>>Though I certainly admit buying things like
>>>Empire Chicken is probably on the rise, but not for any rational
>>>reason. Kosher standards do nothing to promote actual quality or
>>>wholesomeness from an agnostic viewpoint - it's all just perception.
>> Empire chicken consistently wins blind taste tests.
>Because it's salted. Kosher poultry often contains more fat as
My, aren't you good at changing the subject. You said that there's no
rational reason for people to buy kosher Empire chicken rather than
non-kosher chicken. I responded that it's because they like the taste
better. You responded, completely irrelevantly, that it's because
there's more salt and fat. Um, so what? It doesn't matter *why*
people like the taste better, they *do* like the taste better, so there
*is* a rational reason why people buy Empire chickens, so you were
Perhaps rather than trying to change the subject you should simply
admit that you were wrong and move on.
Nah, that'll never happen.
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