Paying to eat "Kosher" even if you are not Jewish.
Jonathan Kamens > wrote
> Sqwertz > writes
>> Jonathan Kamens > wrote
>>> Exactly one out of Campbell's entire product line is kosher.
>> It was a bad example. There are plenty of manufacturers using
>> the (K) and (U)'s onm their complete product line. That doesn't
>> make them sell better, nor imply they're quality products.
> Several people have provided references to third-party
> market studies and quotes from manufacturers about the
> fact that products with kosher certifications sell better.
Not one of those actually established that they sell better BECAUSE
of the kosher certification, and your example, Campbell, shows that
its nothing like as black and white as you state there too.
> You have, in response, provided only your opinion that they don't.
It aint just his opinion, its clearly also Campbell's opinion too, cited by you.
> Considering that you're an anti-semitic twit, your
> opinion isn't really worth reliable on this subject.
But Campbell's opinion clearly is worth considering and since you made
that claim yourself, you presumably believe that the story is as you stated.
You just refuse to acknowledge what that action of Campbell's
clearly indicates on the value of Kosher certification to sales.
>>>> Though I certainly admit buying things like Empire Chicken
>>>> is probably on the rise, but not for any rational reason. Kosher
>>>> standards do nothing to promote actual quality or wholesomeness
>>>> from an agnostic viewpoint - it's all just perception.
>>> Empire chicken consistently wins blind taste tests.
>> Because it's salted. Kosher poultry often contains more fat as well.
> My, aren't you good at changing the subject.
He isnt changing the subject, the subject is still why that particular
product sells well and consistently wins blind taste tests too.
That last is you changing the subject yourself if anything.
> You said that there's no rational reason for people to buy
> kosher Empire chicken rather than non-kosher chicken.
> I responded that it's because they like the taste better.
But NOT because its kosher certified. Because as you admit, it tastes better.
> You responded, completely irrelevantly,
> that it's because there's more salt and fat.
Its completely relevant to why its preferred.
> Um, so what?
Thats why it sells well, as you yourself stated.
Not because its kosher certified.
> It doesn't matter *why* people like the taste better,
Yes it does.
> they *do* like the taste better, so there *is* a
> rational reason why people buy Empire chickens,
And that isnt because its kosher certified.
> so you were *wrong*.
Nope, he stated that they arent buying it because its kosher certified and you
provided the evidence of why they are buying it, because it tastes better.
> Perhaps rather than trying to change the subject
He didnt change the subject at all. What he said is what is being discussed, whether
very many non jews buy kosher certified products, BECAUSE they are certified.
> you should simply admit that you were wrong and move on.
He aint wrong, so there is nothing to admit.
> Nah, that'll never happen.
You in spades. Bet you wont have the balls to admit you are wrong yourself.