Paying to eat "Kosher" even if you are not Jewish.
On Mar 20, 12:57�pm, blake murphy > wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Mar 2008 17:57:05 -0700, SMS >
> wrote:
> >Boron Elgar wrote:
> >> Actually it does, and does so with numbers.
> >Still, the numbers are all over the place.
> >"only 21 percent of the 10.5 million Americans who buy kosher do it for
> >purely religious reasons."
> >"Hebrew National, which had sales in excess of $100 million last year,
> >now estimates that nearly 75% of its customers are non-Jews."
> well, how much of the hundred million is hot dogs and salami? �people
> might by those because they taste better.
Of those remaining 25pct who are Jews probably less than 1pct who buy
Hebrew National products don't keep kosher... Jews who keep kosher
don't buy meat products that are displayed in so close proximity to
non kosher meat products at Hebrew National's are typically
displayed. Probably less than 5pct of the world's Jews keep kosher
anyway. You'd be amazed at how many Jews who claim to keep kosher
because they won't bring shellfish and pork into their homes but will
eat out at a Chinese restaurant and have no problem with eating
shrimp, lobster and spareribs. Very few Jews today even pretend to
keep kosher... once a year, for Passover, they buy a box of matzo..
that's as kosher as they get. I've yet to meet a Jew who claims to
keep kosher who actually does. Anyway there is no law in the talmud
that says to be a Jew one must keep kosher, keeping kosher is a