ice cube madness
"Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> "William Sommerwerck" > wrote in message
>> Nope. The water level drops.
>> In the boat, the iron ore displaces a volume of water equivalent to its
>> weight. Once the ore sinks, it displaces only its own volume of water. As
>> water is significantly less dense than iron ore, the water level goes down.
>> You're confusing this puzzle with the one about floating ice cubes. Even Mr.
>> Wizard got that one wrong
> But if the ore is more dense, it would not float in the first place by itself.
> That is only a portion of the puzzle. The boat also had air pockets, lighter
> material in the hull, etc. If all of it sinks and air pockets remain, the
> level goes up.
Bzzzz! Sorry, you lose.