Puester > wrote in
> Nancy Young wrote:
>> "Blinky the Shark" > wrote
>>> Nancy Young wrote:
>>>> I have its it's issues. I can't get it that the possessive doesn't
>>>> have an apostrophe. Why???? Heh.
>>> Do these *other* possessive pronouns have an apostrophe?
>>> hers
>>> theirs
>>> yours
>>> ours
>>> No.
>>> "Its" isn't even an exception; it illustrates the *norm*.
>> Do you say hers hats? Hers rock?
>> nancy
> The hats belong to her. They are hers.
> She found the rock. It is hers, not his.
> gloria p
He found the rock. it is hiss, not hers...cried the snake.
hers, hers ...a snake with a lisp.
The house of the burning beet-Alan
A man in line at the bank kept falling over...when he got to a teller he
asked for his balance.