boeuf stew
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boeuf stew
(Victor Sack) wrote in news:1ie706d.wh2xsg4y527yN%
> hahabogus > wrote:
>> The main appeal to me is I'm a cheap ******* and I really dislike
>> a whole bottle of wine when I need about a cup or so.
> A cup or so, yes. But if a bit more than a cup is needed, a whole
> bottle of very drinkable plonk (actually of a better quality than many
> small bottle) very often costs less, at least here in Germany.
> Victor
Probably...but I really can not drink wine and I'm quite famillar with
the teeny bottles these days. I go with what I know...Like I said I can
not drink wine and I'm cheap. So the small bottles work for me. It isn't
just a dis-like of wine... more like a hair of the alcolhol poisioning
from my under age drinking days, that bit me. If a 3 or 4 dollar teeny
bottle turns out to be crap it doesn't concern me that 1 particular brand
or type isn't good. But if a 5 thru 8 dollar regular bottle of plonk
is... would. Plus now I have maybe 5 days to use up the rest of the
bottle and that would put undo stress on me...waste not want not. I use
sherry in soups but sherry stays good for years. I use little wine due to
my wine ignorance, due to experiences beyond my control plus no true
desire to improve my education of something I rarely use. Now if I could
drink the stuff I'd be more educated but I can't so I don't bother.
I haven't even determined if it is a mental thing or a true learned body
reaction to my misspent youthful drinking spurge. It just doesn't concern
me that much. I like the few recipes involving wine I make and I am quite
happy with my wine ignorance. Plus you can't make me like wine...neener
If I want a drink I drink Ceasars , beer, scotch, gin lime rickies but
never wine as the smell of wine alone causes my body hair to stand on
end. And uncooked wine sipped from a glass causes me to gag. I try it
about every year and theres been no apparent change in my reaction in
over 35 years. The truly sad part is that what poisoned me was buck a
gallon wine the nastiest wine around, it should have been at least
something memmorable.
The house of the burning beet-Alan
A man in line at the bank kept falling over...when he got to a teller he
asked for his balance.
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