Thread: Grocery Outlets
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James Silverton[_2_] James Silverton[_2_] is offline
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Default TJ's (WAS: Grocery Outlets)

Boron wrote on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 09:31:51 -0400:

??>> On Fri, 21 Mar 2008 08:49:08 -0400, Boron Elgar
??>> > wrote:
??>> What I remember about the store is it was "rustic"
??>> (similar to a dented can type establishment) with
??>> fantastic cheese at unbelievably low prices. They also
??>> had lots of inexpensive wine, all of them one time only
??>> buys... with occasional exceptional wines, one of which
??>> was a "sparkling" or "fizzy" deep red colored wine from
??>> Spain that I'll never forget. The rest of TJ's stock was
??>> just plain forgettable.

BE> Ahhh, once you go back 30 years, it is impossible to
BE> compare much of anything to today's stores...or to much
BE> else of today.

BE> Hell my favorite slacks then were a size 3 and I grocery
BE> shopped at Balducci's in the village, when the Balduccii
BE> family still waited on people. I think a ride on the subway
BE> was 35 cents and top price B'way tickets for a musical on
BE> Saturday night were $15.

I have only patronized TJ's since their expansion in the last 10
years. For most things that they sell I find the quality high
and the selection good tho' I wish they would not sell
vegetables in sealed packed too large for my requirements. On
the other hand, I am extremely enthusiastic about their banana
pricing: by number not weight!

Did Balducci's sell clothes? They may not be the same people but
they are the most high-priced quality ( an accurate adjective!)
supermarket around here.

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

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