My idea of a good investment
On Mar 22, 6:13 pm, Michael Plant > wrote:
Bookburn, I drink Chinese and Japanese green tea in the spring.
Usually, I do not have any left by the middle of summer. After several
weeks, I note that the freshness I like so much in a green tea is
mostly gone. That's my experience. Two pounds is a tremendous amount
of tea, for me and I suspect for most of us. Buying that much green
tea at a time would be foolish for me, although, if you can't taste
the difference between that tea when you first open it and that tea a
year later, no harm done.
I'm a little late to the party but I'd have to fully agree with
Michael. I do my damndest to run through greens/yellows in less than 3
months except for a few greens which hold up well (BLC, Jasmine
pearls, and bancha) and with those somewhere between 6 months and a
I tend to buy my greens in either 2 or 4 oz. lots depending on the
tea. I generally order double that (4-8oz.) though because half stay
home and half go to work. Anything more than 8oz is generally too much
even if it is a tea both myself and my fiance drink. That being said I
have some Dragonwell which has been extremely well stored in airtight
containers which is about a year old right now and still good. However
I broke it up into ~2 oz. packs so that the majority stays sealed with
only one open at a time.
2 lbs. is too much even at a deal. All it will mean is using way more
leaf than needed to use it up artificially. My suggestion would be to
package a pound of it up and give it as gifts to friends while it is
still good and enjoy the other pound. That's just me though.
- Dominic