Substitute for ham sausage
Kathleen > wrote in news:EhuFj.3$eU4.2
> the_tool_man wrote:
>> On Mar 19, 6:30 am, Stan Horwitz > wrote:
>>>In article
>>> the_tool_man > wrote:
>>>>Hi all:
>>>>I used to make a dish that used ham sausage. I haven't made it in a
>>>>while, and was disappointed to find out that none of my local grocery
>>>>stores carry ham sausage any longer. I looked online, and all I
>>>>find was Smithfield ham sausage that has Paula Dean's name on it and
>>>>is quite expensive. Other than that, I haven't been able to find it
>>>>anywhere. What would be a good substitute?
>>>Hard to tell without seeing the recipe, but what about regular pork
>> I used pork sausage by mistake one time. It was far too spicy.
> Plain ground pork, maybe.
More like blached bacon would work better. Ham is smoked & cured, bacon
is smoked & cured. The blanching would reduce the saltiness of the bacon.
The house of the burning beet-Alan
A man in line at the bank kept falling over...when he got to a teller he
asked for his balance.