Paying to eat "Kosher" even if you are not Jewish.
On Sun, 23 Mar 2008 02:49:32 GMT, Bill > wrote:
>Robert Klute wrote:
>> So, beef lips, cheeks, and tongue are kosher.
>If you're trying to claim that those make it into kosher hot
>dogs, I'm not sure I believe that. Tongue is a delicacy and
>costs more than normal cold cuts at the deli. So that certainly
>is not going into hot dogs. Similarly for cheeks, although I
>never realized that until this week. I can't speak for the lips.
I have no idea what companies like Hebrew National put in their hot
dogs, other than the state that they only use the forequarters. It is
just that people often assume meanings for kosher that aren't true. In
any event, it is not that you don't want the obscure cuts of beef in
your sausage. They often are the most flavorful. In any event sausages
were, and still should be, a way of utilizing those tough, flavorful,
odd sized cuts and trimings to reduce waste. I can think of nothing
more wasteful than only putting tender cuts of meat in sausages - there
are better ways to prepare and enjoy them.