[Apologies for posting this in public rather than private email, but
usual suspect doesn't give us his email address

Do you think you could possibly use one email address for your
interesting and informative posts on vegan food, and a different one
for your troll-feeding, yelling at Nikitta, and general arguing? I
just don't have the spare time available to read this group without a
huge killfile, and I've got quite a nice one set up now so the group
actually looks readable. Your posts are the only regular off-topic
ones that are getting through. I really really really don't want to
killfile you, but I'd like some way of filtering out the posts that I
come here to read from the ones that put me off the group entirely.
You may think my presence here isn't worth this small concession from
you, and I won't think any less of you if you do. But I really would
appreciate it if you could accommodate me.