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Default Food presentation vs. PLENTY of food

Steve Squwertz > writes:

>(PENMART01) wrote:
>>Steve Sqwertz writes:
>>>For $6.95 at Golden Coral you can dress your palette
>>>with 60 kinds of food.

>>Somehow I bet that should be Golden *Corral*.

>Thanks, typo nazi. You can be my little puppy dog that follows nme
>around fixing all my typos, as obviously I already know how to spell

What's obvious is that you looked it up AFTER I brought it to your attention...
and my intent had not a whit to do with spelling, as a restaurant could just as
easily be named The Golden Coral (a very upscale Polynesian joint)... actually
my intent with noting "coral" was simply to imply that you are an ignorant no
class hillybilly who would much more likely opt to eat at a *corral*. Now I'm
wondering if you truly mean "palette", or palate... both fit but at $6.95 one
couldn't do much justice to either.

---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."