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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Easter Dinner was...

merryb wrote:

> > Ours was roasted boneless leg of lamb. I made some mint sauce for it. We
> > roasted some potatoes, carrots and parsnip and steamed some broccoli. We
> > were going to have asparagus but we did the shopping on Thursday to make
> > sure we got some lamb before the Easter rush and I didn't want to get
> > asparagus that far ahead. I forgot to go out and get some on Saturday.
> > So...... broccoli instead.
> >
> > My wife's meringue shells turned out beautifully. I made some ice cream to
> > serve them with and some fruit salad with pineapple, kiwis, grapes, frozen
> > raspberries and banana, and chocolate sauce.

> Wow- that all sounds great! What kind of ice cream did you make?

Thanks. It was delicious. I made Vanilla, but I messed up slightly and got more
of an egg custard. My wife had used 5 egg whites for the meringues and it seemed
like a good time to make ice cream because there were 5 egg yolks left over. The
trick was to get out the two yolks I needed to whip up with the sugar and
vanilla, and I was so worried about getting out two yolks that I got a little
fixated on that process and accidentally put them in the cream, thankfully
before it was hot. So I just beat those two into the cream and cooked them up
with the cream and milk and then beat the rest of them to be tempered later. It
turned out this and rich and thick.