Filtering out spam
Dave Bugg > wrote:
> Victor Sack wrote:
> >
> > No, it mostly has to do with killfiling actual spam, loads of it.
> > Killfiling google.groups is a lot more efficient than killfiling
> > gmail.
> By a small percentage.
The small percentage is about 30%, in fact, and is bound to grow larger.
Some people here call spammers stupid, while they are anything but.
After all, they managed to defeat Google's not inconsiderable defenses
against automated posting, whereas people calling them stupid cannot
even install a good newsreader or find a kind soul to help them.
As to myself, while I do think that the idea of a UDP of
is long overdue, in my own small ways I do not drop the atomic bomb and
killfile neither, nor gmail. I filter or not on my own
terms, and I know enough to do it efficiently.
> But then I don't have to futz around with
> proxy-anything. The few that are left are easy to deal with using regular KF
> filtering.
Your line length is too long; it should be 72 characters by default.
"Futzing around" with proxy-anything, as you put it, is much easier than
having to constantly adjust your filters and, as I said, it is is bound
to get more difficult in the future.
Here is how to set up NewsProxy and other info:
And here are some ready-made filters:
ObFood: Soupe de carottes, from _The Cuisine of the Sun_ by Mireille
Soup de Carottes
A Delicate Carrot Soup
This light and refreshing soup is easy to prepare in any season. If you
use big winter carrots, add a lump of sugar during cooking.
For 6 people
1 quart water
1 bay leaf
4 large or medium-sized carrots
1 large potato
1 large onion
freshly ground black pepper
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon chopped parsley (optional)
2 slices firm white bread for making croutons, optional
Bring water to a boil and add salt and bay leaf. Peel and slice the
vegetables, then add them to the boiling water and simmer for 15
minutes. Pass through a Mouli food mill into a saucepan. Add pepper
(and sugar if desired), and check the seasoning.
Heat for 3 minutes. Sprinkle with olive oil and serve.
You may serve the soup on croutons and sprinkle it with parsley at the
last minute to add color, but I like the very simple, unadorned version.