What to Do With Soggy Rice
"cshenk" > wrote
> Oh yes! From 2001 to 2007. Sasebo Japan specifically.
Wow. Where are you from originally?
> BTW, I wouldnt try to make chicken soup with that basmati leftover. It
> will work, but I normally use a crockpot and it wont 'hold well enough'
> for that sort of cooking.
I got rid of my crock pot, and really don't have a use for one, as
everything they
do I can do just slow cooking in a regular pot. One less thing to store.
When I had
one I was always too paranoid to leave it on when I went out, anyway.
>Also, ignore directions in future to wash and soak rices. Thats to make
>'asian sticky rice' which from the sounds of things, you arent partial to
You know, I think that was just a reflex, I am so used to "nonsticky" rice
desirable. I can definitely see this sticky rice being eaten as my
Phillipina friends
do, with the fingers. It is delicious.
You're right, too, because the first time I made it, I did not rinse it and
it came
out perfectly separate.