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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default What to Do With Soggy Rice

"cybercat" wrote
> "cshenk" wrote
>> Oh yes! From 2001 to 2007. Sasebo Japan specifically.

> Wow. Where are you from originally?

All over USA East coast but I normaly claim Clemson SC as home before the
military. Thats up agaiant the smokies pretty much.

>> BTW, I wouldnt try to make chicken soup with that basmati leftover. It
>> will work, but I normally use a crockpot and it wont 'hold well enough'
>> for that sort of cooking.

> I got rid of my crock pot, and really don't have a use for one, as
> everything they
> do I can do just slow cooking in a regular pot. One less thing to store.
> When I had
> one I was always too paranoid to leave it on when I went out, anyway.

Grin, thats ok. I learned them when I first moved out from home. I had
just enough cooking skills to open a can of soup then. I started with
crockpots and moved on from there, unlike most.
Mostly I still do it for 2 reasons. 1- always something ready. 2- Super
fast prep.
If there is a 3, it's that much of what I make takes long cooking which
costs alot on the stove or in the oven. I'm cheap <g>.

>>Also, ignore directions in future to wash and soak rices. Thats to make
>>'asian sticky rice' which from the sounds of things, you arent partial to

> You know, I think that was just a reflex, I am so used to "nonsticky" rice
> being
> desirable. I can definitely see this sticky rice being eaten as my
> Phillipina friends
> do, with the fingers. It is delicious.

It is, but Basmati isnt optimal to make that. Rule of thumb, long grain is
separtist rice. Medium is rice grains having orgy (sticky). Short is rice
grains after orgy (super sticky).

Most folks in the USA are used to 'long grain' so each one fluffs from the
other. The same grains (basmati and jasmin being somewhat exceptions) are
less flavorful hence not prized outside the USA. They look pretty. Reminds
me of 'much sound and torrent, indicating nothing'.

> You're right, too, because the first time I made it, I did not rinse it
> and it came
> out perfectly separate.

Asians rinse it to make it sticky <g>.