are enamel-on-steel kettles safe?
Yes, I Wash my stainless steel tea kettle... as I do the rest of my pots &
pans. The lid comes off and I can put my whole hand in and swish a dish
cloth or sponge around and remove the previous days residue.
We have well water from a deep artesian well, its high in mineral content.
Left in the kettle, the kettle gets gritty.
"John Kane" > wrote in message
> You WASH the tea kettle? I remove the lime buildup once in a while but
> WASH???
>> That's one thing that annoys me about many tea kettles, the top opening
>> is too small to get your hand in and scrub the kettle...
> Hence proving I was right not to try washing the blasted thing. Clearly
> too dangerous since if you get your hand in you may need a cutting torch
> to get it out.