On Mon, 24 Mar 2008 22:01:21 -0700, Leonard Blaisdell
> wrote:
>In article >,
> (Little Malice) wrote:
>> I do, although Dad calls them "horse d'ovaries"...
>It's nice that you remember 'horse'. Once I learned to pronounce the
>damned phrase, they changed it to appetizer. Hell, I could have done
>that, although I would have probably come up with grubbits.
In Hawaii, about 1970, the word pupu got popular for appetizer or
hors d'oeuvres. Pupu means "shell" and as a kid, I learned a hula
about pupu. Being a stuck in the mud purist, I do not like that word
pupu and I knew the stuff before as hors d'oeuvres and will always use
that term. Funny how language changes.
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