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Edwin Pawlowski Edwin Pawlowski is offline
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Default When did you start?

> 2fatbbq wrote:
>> Then about 15yrs ago the internet appeared at our house and somehow
>> ended up on some cooking lists then to the bbq forums--the old Thead
>> forum was a marvelous resource!!! Now it seems most everything we do
>> has something to do with bbq--last weekend was a quick trip to Miss
>> to hang a bit with friends and cook abunch of food.
>> Don't even want to know how much is 'invested' in this hobby!!!\
>> Buzz

My first experience was on a trip to North Carolina to train a salesman at a
new plant we had in Durham. We went to lunch and had "barbecue". Until that
time (about 1986) I though barbecue was grilling a chicken and putting that
bottled red sauce on it. The barbecue has some clear sauce and was just
shredded pork. What a way to learn about barbecue. I had it for lunch
every day that I was there.

That started me on a quest to make it myself up here in Yankee land. I
found a couple of books, and later, the internet. I too, was on the Thead
list and it was the best source of barbecue knowledge assembled in one CPU
and Monitor. Met some great people and learned quite a few skills.