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[email protected][_2_][_2_] is offline
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Default When did you start?

Strange.. sitting here thinking about it, I can't recall. It seems
there has always been barbecue in my life, but I sure didn't start as
early as Nonny! It was just one of those things we all took for

When we were kids and different families got together for whatever
reason that might be, there was always grilling, barbecue and cold

I was laughing about this the other day with my aged father. When we
were kiddos around 1960 we would go see my uncle and he would put out
a huge spread, and would grill and smoke all day. Our laugh came when
I told my Dad how I thought the grownups got screwed when they had
steaks instead of all the grilled hamburgers and hot dogs we ate. In
my mind, I was watching them struggle with cutting up a solid piece of
meat instead of just being able to slather a bun with mustard and get
after it.

To make things worse, they had to drink beer instead of Nehi or HiC.
They didn't even get ice in their drinks!

Somehow I don't think they minded.
