Best way to brew Tai Ping Hou Kui and Liu An Gua Pian?
On Mar 26, 6:43*pm, Hyllan > wrote:
> I recently decided to explore some of China's classical green teas and
> ordered Supreme Tai Ping Hou Kui and Liu An Gua Pian from Dragon Tea
> House. I did not get any brewing recommendations and my initial
> attempts to brew the teas in both a glass and a small porcelain pot
> yielded a rather bland tea in both cases. It was not weak, just not
> very distinct or special in any great way.
> Is there a trick to getting the most out of the uniqueness of each of
> these teas?
You may have brewed the tea for either too long or short or too hot.
Try 80 degrees or even cooler and go for a minute and half or try even
a cooler tea (luke warm) and let it sit. Do not steam in your gaiwan.
I learned the later technique from Roy Fong and it has improved my
appreciation of greens.