Sqwertz wrote:
> Blinky the Shark <Blinky the Shark >> wrote:
> > Another speed factor is which headers you filter on. If you
> > filter on headers that aren't in the server's xover database, then
> > your client will download headers twice -- first, the normal run
> > downloading those xover headers; then, if you're filtering on
> > "expensive" headers (those not in that database at the server) it
> > will have to download another set of headers so that they, too can
> > be filtered on.
> I don't think most clients go back for a second pass. I guess SLRN
> and Xnews do (Pan? or whatever it was that somebody pointed out in
> NSR the other day), but I know for sure Agent, OE, Dialog, and
> probably 90% of the rest do not make a second pass until the whole
> article (w/complete headers) is retrieved. If it's not in XOVER
> then it has to be downloaded in it's entirety is usually the rule.
The speed doesn't really concern me that much. XanaNews is not
particularly fast, but what I do is load all newsgroups at once. When
the first is done, I start reading it, while it continues to load the
If televison's a babysitter, the Internet is a drunk librarian who
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-- Dorothy Gambrell (