cshenk wrote:
> "ravenlynne" wrote
>> cshenk wrote:
>>> I still laugh about how on my first shopping trip I came back with
>>> 'kleenex' to open the box and find rubber bands...
>> Here's one: I was pregnant with my daughter and I NEEDED fruity pebbles
>> and milk. So I waddle across the street from my apartment building (on
>> wheels! Rotating car garage!) to the 7-11 to buy milk since I'm out. I
>> can't read any of the cartons, so I choose a standard milk carton with the
>> requisite happy, smiling cow on the front. Take it home, pour it on my
>> delicious cereal and take a big bite.
>> Yep, that's right, you got it. ORANGE flavored MILK. Not so good for
>> sensitive preggo tummy.
> OH! Nasty! I learnd that one, got only the plastic ones you can see are
> white milk <g>. Justco had them.
>> I was navy, but had the good fortune to be stationed at Yokota Air Force
>> Base. Short little train ride to Tokyo. I'd honestly go back in a
> Ok! I was way south in Sasebo. I never made it to Yokota but heard it was
> nice. You had a much larger commisary. Sasebo one was winning world-wide
> awards (well deserved) for highest customer satisfaction for a small one.
> They really worked *hard* with their small space.
>> second. We came here from Norfolk, so yeah, there was niiiiiiice places
>> to get goodies. We lived in housing right next to the Little creek base.
> I know the housing area you speak of. One across the street now and one
> down the street (Independance) and another on Little Creek.
Nicest housing I've ever lived in. Especially compared to the shoebox
that they call a 3 bedroom here.
I know the store of which you speak. I bought a HUGE bag of star anise
there. Made my own 5 spice.
Wonder how much controversy this sig will cause?