On Mar 27, 9:46 am, Lewis Perin > wrote:
> "Dominic T." > writes:
> > [...Taiping Hou Kui...]
> > Liu An is admittedly not one of my strong suits and I'm relatively
> > inexperienced with it, but while it isn't a personal favorite either
> > I can appreciate it a bit more and brewing is more forgiving as far
> > as what I've seen. I treat it like a green Puerh and a quick rinse
> > as well as hotter water (90-100c).
> Are you sure you're talking about Liu An Guapian here? It sounds as
> if you mean the post-fermented Liu An tea, which is quite different: a
> tea that most people prefer to drink once it's aged for many years.
> /Lew
> ---
> Lew Perin /
Oop sorry (reading comprehension FTL) the OP meant "sunflower/melon
seed" Liu An... my bad. Yes, Lew you caught me. Good thing someone's
here to keep me honst
- Dominic