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Nonnymus[_5_] Nonnymus[_5_] is offline
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Posts: 383
Default When did you start?

bbq wrote:

> 1. Squirt coals with fluid.
> 2. Light coals.
> 3. Squirt coals again to get fire really hot!

We were married during college, living in a mid rise married student
housing project. I was a student, but had a great job with the
building's management company rewiring the building, unclogging toilets
and doing exterior maintenance. That got me enough money to keep both
of us in school AND got me a set of master keys, including the
maintenance office. The building had no balconies, but the fire escape
had a landing right outside our apartment kitchen window. I was in fat
city, back then.

I could get up, work a couple hours, ditch the toolbelt and walk to
classes. When I returned, there was no wasted time- I could go right
back to work. The shop keys meant that I had a private place to study
and could build or fix what I couldn't afford. It was incredible how
many people would pay me to do simple things like put a new cord on
their sweeper, etc. It also meant that I could access the steel fire
escape and set up my little barbecue grill. I'd light Kingsford in a
home made chimney using the KC Star or Times, and cook our hamburgers
right outside the kitchen window. There never were any complaints, but
then I would have been the one called to "go see what was the matter,"
anyway. <grin>

It was during the 60's and we were just kids, but we sure thought we
were eating pretty high on the hog back then when we could grill
hamburgers, hot dogs or pork chops outside.


A penny saved is obviously a
government oversight.