In article >,
ravenlynne > wrote:
> Miche wrote:
> > In article <4GUGj.4379$N_5.2362@trnddc05>,
> > "James Silverton" > wrote:
> >
> >> "Goomba38" > wrote in message
> >> . ..
> >>> Miche wrote:
> >>>> In article >,
> >>>> Goomba38 > wrote:
> >>>>> 'splain curry leaves to me, please? I'm not familiar with
> >>>>> them?
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>> Okie dokie....but is it something used very frequently and
> >>> does it have a substitute? I can't say that I've ever seen it
> >>> for sale (and I'm pretty observant of everything in the store
> >>> even if it isn't something I buy) Can you describe the flavor?
> >> No substitute that I know of, relatively expensive and a unique
> >> flavor, IMHO. In my favorite Indian store, it is kept in a
> >> refrigerator and sold in sealed plastic bags containing 2-3
> >> stems.
> >
> > I bought mine dried, $NZ4 for 10 grams of curry leaves, which is about 1
> > cup. Should last me months, if not years.
> So I take it that's a good price!
It's the only price I've seen. They're hard to find here.
> I had never heard of these leaves
> before either, and haven't seen a recipe using it something
> you use in the sauce, like a bay leaf?
With the recipe I posted you fry them with the garlic and some of the
spices, then stir them into the dal later.
Electricians do it in three phases