On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 07:34:13 +0100, ravenlynne >
>Blinky the Shark wrote:
>> T wrote:
>>> In article .net>,
>>> lid says...
>>>> Janet Baraclough wrote:
>>>>> We have a saying here, "no lead in his pencil"..do you use that in
>>>>> America? Anyway, a pencil sharpener doesn't help.
>>>> We do, yes.
>>> As well as "A few cards short of a deck." or more obFood "His bread
>>> needs to be baked a bit longer."
>> I've never heard those two as euphemisims for "soft/hard dick" (as are
>> the lead-in-his-pencil phrases) before.
>I've heard the phrase used for a gentleman who is sterile.
Shooting blanks....
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