Speaking of curry
sf wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 13:10:33 -0800, Joseph Littleshoes
> > wrote:
>>Curry powder usually available off the shelf may consist of turmeric,
>>cumin seeds, coriander seeds, mustard seeds, five spice powder
>>(cardamom, cinnamon, black pepper, bay leaf and cumin), with red chili
>>powder and salt. This can be safely made at home, with the emphasis on
>>its chili content being variable. Of course, this would change with the
>>season, reason, region, occasion, and the veggie or meat to be cooked."
> Thanks JL. Maybe I should just buy some curry powder and be done with
> it.
The one problem with making or even purchasing curry powder is its
tendency to lose its kick very quickly, it has a very short shelf life.
Which is another reason i like the Japanese Golden Curry, it stays fresh
a long time in its hermetically sealed package.
But for the Indian curries, if you have a recipe you like just make it
in small batches. Over here in Berkeley theres a store on University
ave. that sells very small cans of Vindaloo, i imagine its as readily
available in the city as here.