Google Groups and Gmail Accounts
On 2008-03-28, Sqwertz > wrote:
> The first thing I did was turn off all that crap. Then it ran
> mostly OK. But I didn't try running all my apps and devices before
> I put XP back on it.
XP is no saint. How do you kill that damn msg srvc thingie. Grrrr! I've
tried everything. Delete the file, delete the whole damn directory, etc,
but no matter what I do, next hard boot and it's all back like it never
left. M$ dirtbags have init files that rewrite all that crap. That's what
I hate about Micorsoft. I'm not in contol. The damn software does what
Bill's Boys want, not what I want. Who would want their computer to do
that? As for useabilty, Window hasn't done anything new since NT4 except
add bloat.