storing chopped onions in olive oil
"Serene Sprat" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> Giusi wrote:
>> "Dave" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>> ...
>>> Hi ! First time posting... got a question:
>>> Just curious if I'm the only person who chops up onions and stores
>>> them in olive oil...
>>> I have a small cafe and I wanted to find an alternative to frying the
>>> onions to speed up service, so I tried leaving them in seasoned olive
>>> oil in a tupperware container overnight...
>>> the result is that it softens the onions, then when I toast the
>>> sandwich the olive oil adds seasoning to the bread and a nice
>>> aftertaste.
>>> Dave
>> Don't let the health inspectors catch you. That is an invitation to
>> botulism and is illegal in the US and in Italy.
> Even if it's just overnight, in the fridge? I wouldn't think so.
> Serene
It just is not allowed. Inspectors can't know if it has been always in ther
fridge or how long it has been made up. Oils generally have to be
commercially produced, labeled, and the solids have always been treated
before going in the oil.