"jmcquown" > wrote in message
. ..
> ravenlynne wrote:
>> jmcquown wrote:
>>>> Ha! except that I posted WAY more civilly there. I literally wrote
>>>> "I don't get all of the hate for Carly Smithson. " I'd like the
>>>> mods for that forum to spend a day on usenet.
>>> Do I really want to know who is Carly Smithson?
>> She's a rock singer in the competition...has a tatoo parlor, is from
>> ireland. Actually has talent for a change.
> Competition? Never mind...
American Idol. (Yes, I confess to watching it--one of the few reality shows
I watch...)
She's one of our favorites, Gina, FWIW. Not crazy about her tattoos, but I
can't imagine why lots of people would actually hate her. (OTOH, I could
understand people really disliking that nurse Amanda, who was voted off a
couple weeks ago...) Ob food: She works at an Irish pub in Sandy Eggo called
The Field, which we've dined at a few times.