notbob > wrote:
> On 2008-03-29, sf <sf> wrote:
>> Anyway, why worry about it? Just stop it from booting up with your
>> computer. If it's not running, it's not hogging any resources.
> Easier said than done. I've run across all kinds of websites that tell how,
> and I've tried them all, but svchost.exe is always rewritten during boot up.
It *has* to be there. If you really want to keep it from starting, then
don't log in ;-) It's started by the login process and can't be
You probably just have a bunch of third-party bloatware installed. IN
most caes it's not proprietary exact for in ther case of laptops. Some of
it is *required* in that case, such as touchpad and keyboard utilities.
Send me a lit of what's running. And don't forget that other utility I
mentioned - to disable all that crap.
That utility id nice because it allows you to re-enable things easily if
you find you disabled something that should have been disabled.
A clean process list should look like this:
Image Name PID Session Name Session# Mem Usage
========================= ====== ================ ======== ============
System Idle Process 0 Console 0 16 K
System 4 Console 0 220 K
smss.exe 680 Console 0 404 K
csrss.exe 748 Console 0 4,228 K
winlogon.exe 776 Console 0 7,060 K
services.exe 820 Console 0 3,320 K
lsass.exe 832 Console 0 1,304 K
svchost.exe 1012 Console 0 4,652 K
svchost.exe 1092 Console 0 4,160 K
svchost.exe 1192 Console 0 36,652 K
svchost.exe 1248 Console 0 3,308 K
explorer.exe 1476 Console 0 39,024 K
svchost.exe 1500 Console 0 6,668 K
spoolsv.exe 1732 Console 0 5,428 K
svchost.exe 412 Console 0 3,320 K
That is all you need to run Windows XP. The num,ber of SVCHOSTS running
will vary. You can of course have other things running, but they should
be of your own choice and you should know what they are.
Here's another must have utility for examining what's running:
This actually shows you the command line/source of the program so you can
identify programs that are masquerading as other programs.
ObFood: Dinner last night was spicy Korean pork & noodles: