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Default Food presentation vs. PLENTY of food

FERRANTE > wrote in message >. ..
> Quite often I will watch cooking shows on the food channel and wonder
> is food presentation really worth it? I mean, you take a little food,
> encircle it with a few lines of some sauce and you have a pretty
> plate. But who could be satisfied with those small amounts? And I mean
> small amounts!
> I, personally, like a plate that is packed with food. I like it where
> there is no space left and the food almost falls off the plate. If I
> want art, I'll go to the museum.
> It's late and I'm going to have my SlimFast meal replacement. I often
> wonder where these extra pounds come from...
> Mark Anthony Ferrante

When I go to a restaurant all that really matters to me is the quality
of the food and how much of it I have.

I do enjoy if if there's a nice atmosphere, a lack of loud children,
etc. I also can appreciate a beautiful presentation. I like to garnish
foods I make at home.

I hate to go to a restaurant, eat, and still be hungry. I prefer large
portions so that I can take some home if I need to, and yet have as
much as I want to feel satisfied.

If I was going to one of those fancy restaurants I'd probably eat a
little before I went. Then I'd be able to appreciate the
atmosphere/presentation, etc. without worrying about how much my
stomach was growling.