Thanksgiving, The Holiday of Genocide
"Mark Twain" said, rather glibbly...
> How about the millions of animals that have died needlessly due to
> Christianity. You know, human beings?
I think you could attach a rider which includes Islam and Judaism in that
"millions of killed..." By the way, it is not religion that kills people,
it's people who kill people and who often use any and all excuses that might
come to hand, religion, race, culture, bad breath, being giants, being
ignorant, breaking truces, breaking treaties, lots of people are dead and I
really don't think you can blame it on one religion. After all the Nazis
killed 13 million. They were not very "religious" except for some vague
Ubermensch ideals from Neitzche and some whacky Arayan ideals made up from
the whole cloth...then there was Stalin, he killed about what? 20 million? A
complete atheist. Then there was Mao Tse Tung, another atheist, Pol Pot,
another communist/atheist and "anti-intellectual." Then let's see, there was
the Emperor of Japan, what was he? Shinto? No, that's right, he was God
incarnated upon the earth. A divine Emperor... he slaughtered quite a few
too...Can we think of some more? Idi Amin? Was he a Christian? The Somalian
Walords...some more non-Christians who not only slaughtered but starved
hundreds of thousands of their own people. The Mongols? Not Christian. The
Turks, not Christians.(They really started the idea of modern murder on a
massive scale...). The Huns, not Christians. The Goths, Visigoths, Magyars,
Gauls, Norse...all non-Christian. Bet you are smart enough to come up with a
lot more atheists, anarchists, tyrants, technocrats and others throughout
history who slaughtered millions and committed genocide? The Aztecs? They
enslaved and butchered quite a few, so many the other surrounding tribes
helped the Christian conquistadors destroy the Aztecs...need I go on?
Christianity is NOT the root of all evil, Mark. What is, is bigotry and
hatred of people for their beliefs. Sounds like you got some of that. Too