Thanksgiving, The Holiday of Genocide
"Nevermore" > wrote in message
> In > angelicusrex wrote:
> >
> > "Mark Twain" said, rather glibbly...
> >
> >> How about the millions of animals that have died needlessly due to
> >> Christianity. You know, human beings?
> >
> > I think you could attach a rider which includes Islam and Judaism in
> > that "millions of killed..." By the way, it is not religion that kills
> > people, it's people who kill people and who often use any and all
> > excuses that might come to hand, religion, race, culture, bad breath,
> > being giants, being ignorant, breaking truces, breaking treaties, lots
> > of people are dead and I really don't think you can blame it on one
> > religion. After all the Nazis killed 13 million. They were not very
> > "religious" except for some vague Ubermensch ideals from Neitzche and
> > some whacky Arayan ideals made up from the whole cloth...then there
> > was Stalin, he killed about what? 20 million? A complete atheist.
> Just a point of interest - a recent estimate of the total number of
> people killed worldwide in the events of World War 2 (including the
> Holocaust) and the aftermath (which includes Stalin) is 60 million
> people.
Lets not forget that Stalin had a head start having killed 7 to 10 million
before WW2, so you could likely add that to his total. The man liked to kill