My idea of a good investment
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My idea of a good investment
On Mon, 24 Mar 2008 21:02:29 -0800,
>On Thu, 20 Mar 2008 19:54:21 -0800,
>>I just purchased from Specialteas my idea of a good bulk buy of
>>loose-leaf Chinese green tea: 2 lbs. 533 Lung Ching plus $4.95 s/h
>>for $40.35, or $1.26 per oz. delivered.
>>It isn't their best Dragon Well, since it includes other than the
>>buds, but the lot I had before was nice. 2 lbs. should last a long
>>time, so I hope it comes in the re-sealable pouches as before.
>>Now, if I could figure out how to get the coupons that are evidently
>>out there, I would like Specialteas even more.
>I just received shipment of the 2 lbs. of Lung Ching and have this to
>report, in case someone is considering a similar investment.
>1. The loose leaf bulk amount came in a single foil package, not the
>4 oz. re-sealable pouches sent with my last order for 1 lb..
>2. I immediately re-packaged the lot into freezer bags with double
>seals and put it into the vegetable drawer of my refrigerator, but it
>looked rather dry and without much aroma.
>3. Comparing a sample of this shipment with one received the first of
>November, more than four months ago, I conclude that:
> a. either the lot I got was handled improperly, or
> b. it's not a spring harvest but remains of last years supply.
>4. I'm referring the problem of freshness back to Specialteas to see
>if they will accept a return.
>So it looks like I got blind-sided on my "idea of a good investment"
>in terms of the product received that may be somebody else's good idea
>of wholesale house-cleaning. The only good things about the purchase
> a. they did complete the sale in a timely manner, and
> b. they sent me a complimentary sample of 1/2 oz. puttabong
>FTGFOP1, first flush (no. 105), called a black tea, which is exotic
>stuff to my palate. bookburn
I just got an e-mail back about my reported problem with the freshness
of 2 lbs. of lung ching I ordered from Specialteas. They have a
liberal return policy and are returning the amount charged to my
credit card. Here's a part of it, which I show to keep the record
straight about this company's reputation.
The tea you received in your initial order in January was the
same batch as near as I can tell as what you received in March. We
have had no quality control issues that I am aware of with this tea.
Although, I checked for you, and have found out that a new batch
should be in late April or early May. If you give us a call or e-mail
at that time we can confirm if it is that new shipment in stock and
perhaps you would be happy with this new batch.
If I can be of any further assistance, please let me
Evidently, I could have requested the delivery in 4 oz. resealable
pouches, instead of the one 2 lb. bag.
So I had to pay for return freight but appreciate their
consideration--and information--in the matter. bookburn
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