OT? Is a Pampered Chef party worth attending?
In article >,
Christine Dabney > wrote:
>On Fri, 04 Apr 2008 19:48:22 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
> wrote:
> When I line a 9x13 pan for my brownies, I can sort of miter
>>the corners to make the paper fit the rectangular shape. Easy enough
>>to remove it all from the baking pan after about 15 minutes cooling.
*head slap* I have been making Barb's Brownies for a while and never
thought of mitering the corners.
>I am going to do it the easy way (albeit more expensive) and get one
>of those rectangular springform pans. Surfas has them as well as the
>9X9 ones. Not in their online shopping as far as I could see, but
>they had both of them in the store.
You won't regret it! I love mine.