Growing vegetables
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Growing vegetables
On Sun, 6 Apr 2008 21:03:18 +0000 (UTC),
Pope) wrote:
>Janet Bostwick > wrote:
>>Steve Pope wrote:
>>> I hope there are no snails in your location. That's what really
>>> did in my past attempts to grow vegetables in California. (That,
>>> and my aversion to using poisons.)
>>sprinkle crushed egg shells around the plants to keep snails away.
>I don't much eat eggs. (Like a half dozen every couple months.)
>And there were literally hundreds of snails approaching the vegetable
>patch every evening. Wouldn't you need a lot of eggshells to
>fend them off?
If you're there when they are, the time is right for picking them.
After that - either eat them or drown them.
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