Growing vegetables
Boron Elgar wrote:
> On Sun, 6 Apr 2008 14:58:41 -0600, "Janet Bostwick"
> > wrote:
>> sprinkle crushed egg shells around the plants to keep snails away.
>> Janet
> Got any good ideas to keep groundhogs away?
> Boron
When we lived in RI, our solution was a shotgun. My husband
and a neighbor would run a hose into their tunnel and watch for
them to emerge from the other opening. POW!
They are a real pest in the garden. You plant seedlings, come
out the next morning, and it looks as though someone has run a
lawnmower over the plants.
One year we tried putting up a wire fence around the corn. They
tunneled right under it and came up in the middle of the plants.
gloria p