Growing vegetables
In article >,
Puester > wrote:
> Miche wrote:
> > I'm going to have a go at growing vegetables. MIL has some raised beds
> > that haven't been used in years. In a few weeks she's going to hire
> > some help to clear out her gardens, tidy up the yard etc (we'll be there
> > too unless she decides to get it done while we're at work), then we'll
> > plant veg in one bed, strawberries in another, and blueberries in a
> > third.
> >
> That sounds great. Be aware that strawberries and
> blueberries may
> need protection from the birds as soon as they begin to ripen.
> People often build a wooden frame and drape netting over it
> for protection.
> Blueberries need acid soil. If yours is alkaline, acid
> fertilizer
> and/or peat moss helps.
Thanks gloria! We knew about the bird netting -- I've grown
strawberries before.
Electricians do it in three phases