Thread: An unusual post
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Default An unusual post

Nancy Young wrote:
> "Melba's Jammin'" > wrote
> > Understood. And she's leaving town (the country, actually) next week
> > and would like them to be gone. Doesn't appear it will happen. :-0(

> She should call an antique store, something like that, and let them
> come take the bottles, maybe they would even pay her something.
> She can't just throw them out.
> nancy

I've no clue as to availability, but Habitat for Humanity has "ReStores"
about the country. HfH "ReStores" are like Goodwill and Salvation Army
thrift stores but for household goods from fixtures, plumbing,
electrical, flooring, carpets, wiring, hardware, furniture, pots, pans,
and anything else inbetween that a person might have at home. Maybe
Carol can donate the property there. Or, donate the items to Goodwill
or Salvation Army instead of the 'heap.' That way, someone benefits
from the proceeds.


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