While frolicking around in alt.food.vegan, Michael Balarama of Posted
via Supernews,
http://www.supernews.com said:
>Make sure you take the " fruit meat" out of the skin-don't eat the skin-my
>wife is addicted-she loves papayas..
That's what spoons are for.
>I deserve to be killfiled-innocent but deserving...ha ha
Well, I've successfully unkillfile you now :0)
Nikitta a.a. #1759 Apatriot(No, not apricot)#18
ICQ# 251532856
Unreferenced footnotes:
"Woah- leave me out of this! I am a Brussels sprouts agnostic- i.e., not
entirely sure they actually exist. Never seen one cooked IRL."
Catherine Caruso (AFV)