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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
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Default Meanwhile, back at the product market...

Janet Bostwick said...

> Andy wrote:
>> The produce market had JUMBO green bell peppers for 79¢/ea. Almost
>> cantalope melon sized. Like two normal ones. I could barely get a
>> hold of it. Got $1.00/ea. red, yellow and orange bells and an English
>> cucumber.
>> The artichokes on the other hand were between baby and medium sized
>> for 79¢/ea. I passed on them.
>> And they were out of basil!?? (
>> Avocados were $1.19/ea. I passed on those too. ((
>> There were the typical "two ladies gabbing" roadblocks in every aisle
>> and the stocking grocers piling boxes of fresh fruits and veggies
>> onto tables, yelling help and advice to customers in what is the
>> slowest unchoreographed ballet that is my produce market.
>> Andy

> I beat you. . .red, yellow or orange huge bell peppers were .69 and
> green bell peppers were .49. I was thrilled because the week before the
> cheapest pepper I could find was $1.59 each. That was a real hardship
> for us as we eat one whole red pepper in our salad each night. The .69
> has pretty much been the price here all winter except for the week of
> Easter and the week after. I got some strawberries at Costco last week
> that were the largest I have ever seen. 2 1/2 inches long and just a
> simdge under 2 inches wide. Intense strawberry flavor. $5.99 for 4
> pounds and not a nasty spot in the bunch.
> Janet


Great!!! I constantly feel gyp'd with the prices I pay. My #1 Bud in
Kalifornia always proclaims all the great prices he gets at Albertsons
etc., in L.A. and I keep threatening to visit just to go grocery shopping!

Great deal on the strawberries! I had a few plastic 1lb. tubs of those
JUMBOS last year. DeSantis (?? I forget the name). With surgical precision
I removed the tops, rinsed them off and then ate them over the kitchen sink
until gone. Ripe, sweet AND crunchy! The time hasn't arrived here for them
