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Default Food presentation vs. PLENTY of food

> Quite often I will watch cooking shows on the food channel and wonder
> is food presentation really worth it? I mean, you take a little food,
> encircle it with a few lines of some sauce and you have a pretty
> plate. But who could be satisfied with those small amounts? And I mean
> small amounts!
> I, personally, like a plate that is packed with food. I like it where
> there is no space left and the food almost falls off the plate. If I
> want art, I'll go to the museum.

I can appreciate the irony: Say, for example, three broiled sea scallops
with 3 stalks of marinated grilled asparagus, a little drizzling of sauce in
a circle and maybe a piece of turned-into-a-dove radish on a plate being
ridiculous. Particularly if that plate is going to cost you $40 at a

However, I cannot understand a plate stuffed so full the food is brimming
off the sides of it. At "homestyle cookin'" diners I get meals that I can't
possibly eat. Of course, there is no room for garnish and the sauces are on
the side. That's what doggy-bags and to-go boxes are for. I can eat for
three days for under $8.00. But I think I'd rather eat for three days at
$24 than leave hungry from one meal costing $40.
